Here are some things you can do to manage the Pallet Crunch

Here are some things you can do to manage the Pallet Crunch

Material and labor shortages have an impact on the availability, cost, and circulation of pallets throughout the supply chain. With a little creativity and sacrifice, it is possible to manage this pallet crunch.

Are pallet shortages causing you pain? You are not the only one. These are just a few ways you can prevent disruption and have peace of mind.

8 Things You Can Do to Manage Pallet Crunch

  1. Allow plenty of time. Clients are advised to allow 14-20 business days for all orders.
  2. You can switch from hardwood to softwood if you are able.
  3. Ask your provider to source from another area. Sometimes, regional manufacturers can fill the void.
  4. Safe handling is essential to prevent damage to stock. Repair when necessary, and then reuse. This is a good practice for a circular economy, as pallets are one the few products that can be cycled in both biological and technical systems.
  5. As much as possible, keep a “safety” stock.
  6. Keep your existing provider in mind as they are unlikely to accept new clients at this time.
  7. Reduce pallet usage by adapting your inventory
  8. Flexibility, understanding, determination, and quick action are key to securing supply.

We can’t control the present situation but we know it will change. Rose Pallet is always there to offer guidance, help, and information. To speak to one of our pallet experts, please contact us anytime.

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Categories: Wooden Pallet